Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Vicious creatures looming in the desert!

Another day in the village. Wow, was it a day. We are warned about the dogs that occupy the rolling dunes surrounding us. They are vicious, for good reason I suppose. Dogs are not treated well here in Egypt so most if not all are really angry at people.
On my calm strole through the gentle slopes, I was face to face with a pack of these creatures. I knew not to run and to act calm, bigger and better, but with my hands full all I could do was radio my partner (who was far) that I needed an alternate route. Well in route they moved in for the "Kill". I was being chased by a pack of dogs. All I could tell my partner was "I am being chased by a pack". I, as calm as possible walked away and my partner came running. All I could see was him up and down the dune slopes. Wow was I frightened. It caused a stir at the Shunet (where I work). From that point on we had escorts. Shown here is one of the vicious beasts. Yes, I know he looks harmless but he's not!!

Once I got passed the vicious creatures I was able to see the edge of the village and meet Mohamed and our police escort. They never left our side even though it was 100 degrees out. The only time they left us was to sit in the shade on the northern side of the hema. Busy day, hot day, and very eventful!


  1. Very cool Christina... Very cool!

  2. Great pictures, those viscous animals look very dangerous.
